
As a Christian community of faith we strive to follow Jesus’ example and welcome all people. Our goal is to be an inclusive fellowship of God’s people, breaking down all those barriers which divide us: age, race, ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation, class, wealth, immigration status, physical and mental abilities.

We believe that God is a mystery…a mystery, like our own lives, to be experienced and celebrated rather than a puzzle to be solved. That’s why we honor questions as much as answers. Together, we seek to explore the mysteries of our lives and of the world around us, and to serve the whole human family as Christ served us.

One thought on “About

  1. I grew up in Norridge and this was our church. I loved that church and was feeling nostalgic so decided to do a search for it. I did not realize the old building was no longer there, but glad to hear the church is still going strong. I remember a banner upon entering the church (decades ago) that said “God is Love”. I really agree with that.


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